In all the places we visited both homes and businesses had cheery plants at the doorway. These black petunias in Norway were stunning.
And you know how I feel about post boxes...
...and bees.
This pic of some cabbage is the only photo I didn't edit at all. It didn't get any more perfect no matter what I did.
The buildings in Isafjordur were sweetly stark. It showcased the beauty of even the simplest flowers to perfection.
It's traditional in the Faroe Islands to grow grass on your roof. Even on the garden shed. It's an indication of just how much rain they get.
In the city of Lerwick, Shetland Islands it was all about the fences and gates...
Do you look for gardens when you are traveling? I also love to garden hunt in my hometown. It's always fun and interesting to see what other gardeners are creating around them!