Saturday, July 31, 2010

Ski Hell; The Slope

She was kind of surprised how many curse words she knew and had just always maintained enough self control not to say out loud. They all got used on the way down the slope that day. 

Let us just start by saying that if you remember the introduction to the Wide Wide World of Sports then you have a pretty good idea what she went through.  To this day the word "snowplow" causes her to cringe. Tangled body parts, flying skis, embittering frustration kind of sums it up. He tried to be helpful and do the thing where the experienced skier puts the beginner in front and "guides" them. Uh huh. Tangled body parts, flying skis and embittered frustration X two.  He tried letting her go it alone and instructing her from down the slope a few yards.  This was all taking an excruciatingly long time and he was dividing the amount of the lift ticket into the number of runs they would likely make at this pace. Then....she cried. Oh she was still screaming obscenities, just in between sobs. He couldn't really make out what she was saying at that point...lucky for him.  Later she would love every single thing she hated that day; the feel of the snow under her skis, standing at the top of a mountain, wiping out dramatically and being able to brag about how bad it was over lunch in the lodge.  But that day. That day after 2 solid hours of pain and agony for her and him and any other skiers who came within earshot, she gave up. She sat down and slid the rest of the way down the mountain on her butt.

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